Member Benefits

1. Abstract Submission

Members can sponsor two abstracts for the annual CNS meeting and enjoy an extended early registration period.

2. Discounts

  • Conferences

Large discounts for the registration fees for the annual CNS meetingContact us if you want your meeting to be sponsored by OCNS.

  • Journals

We offer reduced personal subscriptions to the official OCNS journal, the Journal of Computational Neuroscience, and to Neuroinformatics. Members can go to Journal Subscriptions for more info.

  • Books

A 25% discount to books published by Springer and bought for personal use. Members can go to Journal Subscriptions for more info. Receive a 25% discount on all of CRC Press books when you order online. Discount code for purchases is available to members only. See here for more details.


3. Travel Awards

OCNS provides some members competitive travel awards to support their attendance to the annual CNS meeting. These awards are primarily targeted towards Student and Postdoc members and to members from developing countries. OCNS also provides travel awards to sponsored meetings. Applications are usually administered by the meeting organizers themselves, if not members will see calls for applications in their home page service area.

4. Computational Neuroscience Schools

OCNS provides support to up to two members attending international computational neuroscience schools. For 2013 we support attendance to the Sixth Computational Neuroscience Summer SchoolAdvanced Course in Computational Neuroscience 2013 and MBL Methods in Computational Neuroscience. Support levels depend on the course costs and financial needs of the attendees. Members should advise the course organizers of their OCNS membership status at the time of application to the course; the selection is done by the course organizers

5. OCNS Resources and Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

By becoming a member, you can access all the resources of the OCNS and get informations on fundings, jobs, software, in the field of computational neuroscience. Once logged in, you will also get free access to the Springer Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (Editors in Chief Ranu Jung and Dieter Jaeger).


If you present an organization or company that would like to offer additional benefits to our members please contact us.