Anaesthesia and sleep: Recent experimental and theoretical aspects
organized by Axel Hutt.
Methods of information theory in computational neuroscience
organized by Aurel A. Lazar and Alexander G. Dimitrov.
PhD and postdoc career development
organized by Lars Schwabe.
Large cortical oscillations: Mechanistic and computational aspects
organized by Caroline Geisler and Horacio G. Rotstein.
Modeling migraine: From nonlinear dynamics to clinical neurology
organized by Markus A. Dahlem and Sebastiano Stramaglia.
Automated parameter fitting for compartmental models
organized by Erik De Schutter.
Cortical microcircuit models of information processing and plasticity
organized by Vassilis Cutsuridis and Thomas Wennekers.
Modeling neural mass action in brain networks using delay differential equations
organized by Fatihcan M. Atay and Thomas Knösche.
Olfactory learning and memory in insects
organized by A. Yarali and J. Wessnitzer.
Activity-dependent structural plasticity – from cell cultures to cortical networks
organized by Markus Butz and Arjen Van Ooyen.
Quantitative models of behaviour
organized by Aldo Faisal and Greg Stephens.
Python in Neuroscience
organized by Eilif Muller, Jens Kremkow, Andrew Davison and Romain Brette.
Multistability in neurodynamics
organized by Gennady Cymbalyuk.
Statistical analysis of multi-cell recordings: Linking population coding models to experimental data
organized by Matthias Bethge, Jakob Macke and Philipp Berens.
Modern mathematical neurodynamics: bridging single cells to networks
organized by Marc Timme.
News • OCNS Director Elections: Voting is now closed! Deadline: Nov 27
News • CNS*2025 will be held in Florence, Italy ! Dates: July 5-9, 2025