CNS*2024 Natal: Poster Presentations

Poster size

Posters should be printed in portrait on A0 sized paper (84.1 x 118.9 cm). 

A0 Poster Size


Poster slots

Will be announced later.

Poster Printing Service

We have selected a printing service provider next to the event venue for those who wish to print the poster locally. Please contact the service provider directly. The company can only provide receipts in Portuguese, following Brazilian standards. Please print the poster in PORTRAIT format. Payment in credit/debit card online or PIX (Brazilians only).


E-mail: [email protected]

A0 (90x120cm) print options:

- Paper, without support: R$36,00 

- Vinyl(Lona) with wood support and string: R$65,00

Phone: +55 (84) 32317435

Whats-app: +55 (84) 987617499

 For English speakers, contact should be made via e-mail to inform the size and material and request a link for online payment. We recommend you send your poster in PDF format, with the proper measurements to ensure a good print.

We also recommend that you mention you are a participant in the "33rd CNS". If there are any issues, you or the printer workers can contact our local support to address them.

The provider will transport the poster printed on IMPLOTTER before July 19th to the conference venue.