CNS*2022 Melbourne: Travel awards

A limited number of merit based travel awards, given based on review of summaries by the program committee, will be available to presenting students and postdocs who are OCNS members. Women and underrepresented minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are particularly encouraged to apply. The option for applying for a Travel Award appears during the abstract submission.

Travel award applications (as also the abstract submissions) are due 15 April 2022To be considered for a travel grant, the applicant:

  1. must be an OCNS student or postdoc member (note that a membership application needs to be completed beforehand)
  2. during regular abstract submission must also submit a 1-3 page summary (for the OCNS reviewers only) describing the nature, scope and the main results of the work in more detail


 The travel award application must contain the following information:

  • Name of presenting author
  • Supervisor of presenting author (note that only 2 students/post-docs per laboratory may apply)
  • Institute, and country of presenting author
  • Gender of presenting author
  • If presenting author is at a US institution, minority status.


Recipients of travel awards will be notified by May 29, 2022. Travel awards are a lump sum based on the distance travelled and are handed out either at the meeting (checks) or afterwards (PayPal, wire transfers).

For any further enquiries contact [email protected]