CNS 2012 Atlanta/Decatur: Travel Awards
A limited number of merit based travel grants, awarded based on review of abstracts by the program committee, will be available to presenting students and postdocs. Women and underrepresented minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications will be done through this website: the option will become available as a service on the members' homepage.
Travel grant applications are due March 7, 2012. To be considered for a travel grant, the student or postdoc:
- must be an OCNS member,
- during regular abstract submission must also submit a 1-3 page summary (for the OCNS reviewers only) describing the nature, scope and the main results of the work in more detail,
- must apply using a form on this site accessible to members only: student and postdoc members will find a link to the application form under their Services menu (right side of the homepage).
The travel grant application must contain the following information:
- Name of presenting author
- Paper ID (from ConfMaster abstract submission site)
- Supervisor of presenting author (note that only 2 students/post-docs per laboratory may apply)
- Institute, and country of presenting author
- Gender of presenting author
- If presenting author is at a US institution, minority status.
This year we have an additional four travel fellowships, funded by the Brain Corporation, available for presenters who apply the ideas of spike timing to vision or motor control. If you want to be considered for these fellowships, please add 1-2 sentences to your travel application summarizing how your research fits this criterion.
Recipients of travel grants will be notified by May 5, 2012.
Posters presented at CNS*2012 also will be judged for prizes awarded at the meeting.
CNS 2012 Travel Awards Sponsored by: