CNS 2012 Atlanta/Decatur: Local InfoNOTICE: Registration begins at 3:00 pm on Friday July 20, 2012 at Agnes Scott College. When you arrive, go to Evans Hall (Agnes Scott Campus, click here for campus map) to register. All registrations are in Evans. Late arrivals (after 11pm till 1am) for dorm room: phone numbers will be posted on the door of EVANS Hall, which will ring the person who will give you your assigned dorm room. NOTICE: Free parking is available at Agnes Scott campus, parking lot P2 - West Parking (Visitors) on campus map. NOTICE: Weather advisory: It is hot and humid with afternoon thunder storms; bring umbrellas and very light rain jacket. About Downtown Decatur, GAWe invite you to discover Downtown Decatur, a city with a traditional small college-town atmosphere along with all the benefits of living in a major metropolitan area. Decatur is just minutes east of downtown Atlanta, minutes west of Stone Mountain, and the MARTA rail station is right under our downtown square, so getting here is a breeze. Restaurants Downtown DecaturDecatur is a dining destination, attracting foodies from all across metro Atlanta to more than 80 mostly independent restaurants, cafés and pubs. Here is a list of all Decatur restaurants. However, we prepared for you a list of our favorites. Enjoy! Directions to Decatur & Agnes Scott College
Directions from Atlanta Airport (ATL) to Downtown Decatur via MARTA subway (here is a map): Take any train from Airport to Five Points station. Note: If you plan to use public transportation, it is best to arrive at the ATL airport no later than 9pm for international flights and 10pm for within U.S. flights. Walking directions from MARTA station to Agnes Scott College (a short three-block walking distance ~16min): Exit the terminal on the Church St. side and turn right on Church St. (toward the corner of Trinity and Church). By Car From the North on I-85 (mileage approximate): Take I-85 to the Clairmont Road exit. By Car From the East on I-285 or I-20 (mileage approximate): Take I-285 to Stone Mountain Freeway, Highway 78 exit. Things to See in AtlantaAtlanta (Georgia) is a Brave and Beautiful City, the Southeast's most alluring destination. Click here to see What to Do in Atlanta! Here are our picks:
Save 51% with Atlanta CityPASS (69 USD) gives you admission to 5 must-see Atlanta attractions: Georgia Aquarium, World of Coca Cola, Inside CNN Studio Tour, High Museum of Art info about the CityPASS. Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Zoo Atlanta Atlanta History Center. Here is more |